


Posted On: October 22, 2018
Posted On: September 10, 2018
Posted On: June 11, 2018
Posted On: April 23, 2018
Posted On: April 02, 2018


Via Email:
Aug 24, 2016

So you finally got it!! Great, now what are you going to name it?

What’s in a Name?                                                                                            

One of the most difficult (yet fun) decisions of all those you have to make now awaits you: naming your boat.

“Seas the Day”                                 “All Tide Up”

“Slalom Oath”                                 “She Got The House”

“Marlin Monroe”                           “ Petty Cash”

The possibilities are endless, so here are a few tips and suggestions to spark your imagination. We know some of you already have a name picked out even if you don't have a boat yet. Here's some pointers so you don't regret any decisions down the road.

I can’t tell you what to name your boat, but I can tell you that boats are usually given a female association. (Seriously, who would want to spend an afternoon on “Uncle Bob”?)

It’s also been said that to rename a boat is bad luck.

That’s just not true!!

People rename boats all the time. Just be sure to do a proper naming ceremony when you do. So, if you’re a sailor and you come across a boat named “Scuttlebutt,” don’t be afraid to switch it up.

Boat names often deal with the water and relaxation, like “Sea Breeze.” Those who hit it big often use boat names that reflect how they were able to finance their dream cruiser. Say, “Lucky 7s.” Other names, like “The Party Barge,” openly reflect (and refuse to apologize for) what they are.

Some reference ex-spouses or divorces (not recommended).

Whatever you choose, make sure it means something to you, and you can live with it.