
Hurricane Season


Posted On: October 22, 2018
Posted On: September 10, 2018
Posted On: June 11, 2018
Posted On: April 23, 2018
Posted On: April 02, 2018


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Sep 10, 2018

It seems like hurricane season is upon us! Being prepared is very, very important. NOAA's National Hurricane Center has put together a comprehensive preparedness checklist with important link & information here: . 

One thing we'd like to remind you is to keep an eye on the storm surge. Extremely high waters can cause more damage than wind alone. In order to protect the lines on your boat, one site recommends putting a length of fire hose over them to prevent chafing. *NOT regular water hose - these can actually build up heat due to friction and melt the line! 

You'll want to make sure you're familiar with your boat's insurance coverage. Have copies of all your information stored in a safe space that will be accessible, even if your boat is damaged. 

Stay informed by visiting the BoatUS Hurricane Tracker here: .